A Writer’s Blog
Random thoughts on Random topics
Facing the page
I hate facing the blank page. It scares me. And yet I do it all the time. This morning, for example, I have been sitting . . .
The End of Reading
And Why It Is Not All the signs are there. We spend hours scrolling or swiping left and right, liking andsharing, and inputting cryptic emojis . . .
The Instant Expert
While we accumulate Knowledge by learning from others, how do we put on Wisdom? We read. Oh, that sounds smart, we say. Copy. Paste. Recommend. . . .
Chris's bookshelf: currently-reading
Chris's bookshelf: currently-reading
Harley’s Prologue
This is the story of Harley Edison, a man trying to make sense of a world that has passed him by in many ways but impatiently expects him to catch up.
Chris's bookshelf: currently-reading
THE SNOW WAS still falling outside, blanketing the streets in its deceptive white, coating the walkways with black ice. On the inside, drifting under the . . .
Through His Eyes
At the Scene FAR TOO EARLY on a Tuesday morning, unshaved and only just adequately dressed for his station, he arrived at the unfamiliar place . . .
The future is 1976. It hovers just out of reach, only five months away, barely visible on the August horizon but reaching back along the . . .