A Writer’s Blog

Random thoughts on Random topics

At that terrifying moment when I realized I had contrived to throw my entire writing file into the trash on my Mac, and then empty it, I froze. It was a Wile E. Coyote moment, discovering I had chased the roadrunner over . . .

I hate facing the blank page. It scares me. And yet I do it all the time. This morning, for example, I have been sitting in front of an empty screen now for about 40 minutes. In the shower, I had an . . .

And Why It Is Not All the signs are there. We spend hours scrolling or swiping left and right, liking andsharing, and inputting cryptic emojis that may have nothing to dowith our intended messages. We write instant messages with aslittle care for . . .

While we accumulate Knowledge by learning from others, how do we put on Wisdom? We read. Oh, that sounds smart, we say. Copy. Paste. Recommend. Distribute. Now we are smart like them! They read. Oh, he knows so many things, they say! . . .

When the waiter ran half up Skadarljia to bring me my credit card and glasses that I left in the restaurant, I was forced to reevaluate both my forgetfulness and my attitude toward customer service. In point of fact, I have been . . .

5 Mythical Serbian Creatures and their Habits Firstly, as you know, I only deal in facts. It is important that we state this fictional premise from the outset because what I am about to reveal here will defy your imagination, baffle your . . .

facepalm statue
Blog Posts

Starting Over

At that terrifying moment when I realized I had contrived to throw my entire writing file into the trash on

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Blog Posts

The Instant Expert

While we accumulate Knowledge by learning from others, how do we put on Wisdom? We read. Oh, that sounds smart,

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Chris's bookshelf: currently-reading

La Tercera
tagged: currently-reading
tagged: currently-reading


facepalm statue
Starting Over

At that terrifying moment when I realized I had . . .

Facing the page

I hate facing the blank page. It scares me. . . .

The End of Reading 

And Why It Is Not All the signs are . . .


Chris's bookshelf: currently-reading

La Tercera
tagged: currently-reading
tagged: currently-reading


facepalm statue
Starting Over

At that terrifying moment when I realized I had . . .

Facing the page

I hate facing the blank page. It scares me. . . .

The End of Reading 

And Why It Is Not All the signs are . . .

Harley’s Prologue

This is the story of Harley Edison, a man trying to make sense of a world that has passed him by in many ways but impatiently expects him to catch up.


Chris's bookshelf: currently-reading

La Tercera
tagged: currently-reading
tagged: currently-reading



THE SNOW WAS still falling outside, blanketing the streets in its deceptive white, coating the walkways with black ice. On the inside, drifting under the . . .

Through His Eyes

At the Scene FAR TOO EARLY on a Tuesday morning, unshaved and only just adequately dressed for his station, he arrived at the unfamiliar place . . .


The future is 1976. It hovers just out of reach, only five months away, barely visible on the August horizon but reaching back along the . . .

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